

文献No. 論文タイトル 筆頭著者
1 Early Prediction of Outcome of Activities of Daily Living After Stroke. A Systematic Review Janne M. Veerbeek
2 Prognostic value of the 6 min walk test and self-perceived symptom severity in older patients with chronic heart failureEarly  Lee Ingle, Alan S
3 片脚立位-足部機能の検討- 中道 哲朗, 渡邊 裕文, 鈴木 俊明
4 Effect of respiratory rehabilitation before open cardiac surgery on respiratory function: a randomized clinical trial. Shakouri SK
5 排痰能力を判別するcough peak flowの水準 中高齢患者における検討 山川梨絵
6 肩関節運動機能とADLの関連性 三浦雄一郎
7 拘縮肩へのアプローチに対する理論的背景 "福島秀晃、三浦雄一郎"
8 Cine MRIを用いた肩関節自動,他動運動時の腱板動態の比較 見目智紀
9 体幹の前後傾が歩行動作に及ぼす影響に関するバイオメカニクス的研究 "佐久間 亨,阿江通良"
10 呼吸運動解析の医学的重要性 田中一正
11 Effects of slow and accelerated rehabilitation protocols on range of motion after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair. Düzgün İ
12 大脳基底核による運動の制御 高草木 薫
13 The effect of continuous passive motion and sling exercise training on clinical and functional outcomes following total knee arthroplasty: a randomized active-controlled clinical study. Mau-Moeller A
14 股関節の臨床的評価方法 建内広重
15 肩関節周囲炎に合併する夜間痛の病態と運動療法への展開 林典雄
16 MRIにて検討した腱板断裂における疼痛持続の予測因子 中邑祥博
17 人工膝関節置換術後の可動域練習方法の違いが膝関節可動性と疼痛に及ぼす影響 福島 浩史
18 Cough impairment and risk of postoperative pulmonary complications after open upper abdominal surgery. Colucci DB
19 腹部引き込み運動および呼気筋運動時の姿勢別における腹横筋の筋厚変化 杉本 孝宗
20 Do directed cough maneuvers improve cough effectiveness in the early period after open heart surgery Effect of thoracic support and maximal inspiration on cough peak expiratory flow, cough expiratory volume, and thoracic pain. Fiore JF Jr
21 下肢運動器疾患による姿勢異常に対する理学療法 鈴木貞國
22 足関節における可動域改善の考え方とその方法 中宿信哉
23 高齢者特有の足部機能障害と理学療法 福田浩史
24 関節リウマチ患者の生活機能トレーニングの考え方とその実際 椎木孝幸
25 反回神経麻痺により嗄声を呈した症例に対するPNFアプローチ 光宗雅人
26 姿勢の評価 石井伸一郎
27 Motor assessment scaleを用いた脳卒中患者の転帰予測 Sandra G. Brauer
28 Predicting Aspiration in Patients With Ischemic Stroke Carol A. Smith Hammond
29 腰椎椎間板ヘルニアに対する手術療法前後の理学療法 荒木秀明
30 頸部痛に対するホームエクササイズ 川口 聡
31 大腿骨頸部骨折患者のADLと理学療法 藤田博曉
32 アキレス腱断裂の理学療法プログラム 大工谷新一
33 "脊椎圧迫骨折-私のリハビリテーションアプローチ-保存療法の要点と運動療法 " 吉田徹、赤羽根良和
34 変形性股関節症に対するセルフエクササイズ 葛山智宏
35 片麻痺患者の方の痛みに対する理学療法 原田直樹
36 脳血管患者の疼痛を理解する 木村圭佑
37 脳卒中片麻痺がもたらす足部機能障害と理学療法 佐藤房朗
38 頸椎疾患患者の胸郭の機能障害と理学療法 根地嶋誠
39 脳卒中片麻痺患者の胸郭の機能障害と理学療法 森下一幸
40 運動連鎖からみた脳卒中片麻痺と理学療法 佐藤房朗
41 運動連鎖からみた前十字靱帯損傷と理学療法 井野拓実
42 肩関節疾患患者の胸郭の機能障害と理学療法 根本伸洋
43 肩関節疾患の理学療法における姿勢へのアプローチ 亀山顕太郎
44 足部・足関節疾患の理学療法における姿勢へのアプローチ 加賀谷善教
45 Cough peak flow as a predictor of pulmonary morbidity in patients with dysphagia. Bianchi C
46 Opposite effects of training in rats with stable and progressive pulmonary hypertension. Handoko ML
47 胸郭の機能障害と理学療法のポイント 柿崎藤泰
48 Safety and efficacy of exercise training in various forms of pulmonary hypertension. Grünig E
49 胸部・腹部外科術後患者の胸郭の機能障害と理学療法 森下一樹
50 Cardio-Pulmonary-Renal Interactions Faeq Husain-Syed
51 呼吸器疾患・障害に関連する姿勢への理学療法介入 石川 朗
52 変形性股関節症の機能解剖とバイオメカニクス 原和彦
53 Posture and mobility of the upper body quadrant and pulmonary function in COPD: an exploratory study. Morais N
54 Dynamic aspect of functional recovery after stroke using a multistate model. Pan SL
55 Prediction of discharge destination after stroke using the motor assessment scale on admission: a prospective, multisite study. Brauer SG
56 軟部組織(靭帯を含む)修復における物理療法の有用性 出口 清喜
57 腰部脊柱管狭窄症の理学療法プログラム 原 信二
58 脳卒中片麻痺患者の立ち上がり動作時のボディーメカニクスと理学療法 諸星勇
59 運動制御の神経機構とその障害 蔵田清
60 姿勢のバイオメカニクス 福井勉
61 慢性期・維持期の腰痛の評価・理学療法のポイント 佐々木 伸一
62 腰椎椎間板ヘルニアの病期別理学療法ガイドライン 磯崎弘司
63 予後予測の方法 宮越浩一
64 運動器疾患の理学療法における姿勢へのアプローチの考え方 佐久間孝志
65 Physiotherapy in the intensive care unit: an evidence-based, expert driven, practical statement and rehabilitation recommendations. Sommers J
66 呼吸筋トレーニング 宮川哲夫
67 Chest physiotherapy effectiveness to reduce hospitalization and mechanical ventilation length of stay, pulmonary infection rate and mortality in ICU patients. Castro AA
68 膝窩部痛に対する考え方と運動療法への展開 林典雄
69 Stroke Care Unit における理学療法実施回数の増加がFIM の改善に与える影響について   村上祐介
70 座位から臥位までの動作 石濱崇史
71 着座動作 山本吉則
72 食事を想定したリーチ動作 三浦雄一郎
73 体幹研究と理学療法 大沼俊博
74 Mechanism of the increased rib cage expansion produced by the diaphragm with abdominal support. De Troyer A
75 Role of rib cage elastance in the coupling between the abdominal muscles and the lung. Cappello M
76 運動連鎖からみた投球障害と理学療法 宮下浩二
77 頸椎疾患の理学療法における姿勢へのアプローチ 川崎洋二
78 The American Society of Shoulder and Elbow Therapists' consensus statement on rehabilitation following arthroscopic rotator cuff repair. Charles A. Thigpen
79 The American Society of Shoulder and Elbow Therapists' consensus rehabilitation guideline for arthroscopic anterior capsulolabral repair of the shoulder. Gaunt BW
80 重層固定法による鏡視下腱板修復術の成績 術後腱板修復状態と術後2年 の臨床成績 菅谷啓之
81 Rehabilitation protocol after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair early versus delayed motion Long Chen
82 Principles of rehabilitation and reactivation: interstitial lung disease, sarcoidosis and rheumatoid disease with respiratory involvement. Holland AE
83 呼吸器疾患患者の胸郭の機能障害と理学療法 金尾顕郎
84 Higher cough flow is associated with lower risk of pneumonia in acute stroke. Kulnik ST
85 障害後のシナプス再生および神経回路の再編 鍋倉淳一
86 Early mobilization in the intensive care unit: a systematic review. Adler J
87 The safety of mobilisation and its effect on haemodynamic and respiratory status of intensive care patients "Kathy Stiller
88 Mechanisms underlying ICU muscle wasting and effects of passive mechanical loading. Llano-Diez M
89 An early rehabilitation intervention to enhance recovery during hospital admission for an exacerbation of chronic respiratory disease: randomised controlled trial. Greening NJ
90 Interventions to improve the physical function of ICU survivors: a systematic review. Calvo-Ayala E
91 Chest physiotherapy effectiveness to reduce hospitalization and mechanical ventilation length of stay, pulmonary infection rate and mortality in ICU patients. Castro AA
92 Early mobilization of mechanically ventilated patients in the intensive care unit. J Intensive Care.
93 Critical care nurses' role in implementing the "ABCDE bundle" into practice. Balas MC

94 膝関節疾患の理学療法における姿勢へのアプローチ 小林 巧

95 股関節疾患の理学療法における姿勢へのアプローチ 二木 亮

96 腰部疾患の理学療法における姿勢へのアプローチ 石田 和弘

97 Does the pain disturb the respiratory function after open heart surgery? Sasseron AB

98 Early Mobilization in the Neuro-ICU: How Far Can We Go? Olkowski BF

99 腱板修復術後の治療成績 小畠昌規

100 回復期病棟における嚥下障害に対する理学療法 永堀浩男

101 Inspiratory muscle training to enhance recovery from mechanical ventilation: a randomised trial. Bissett BM

102 Reduced Inspiratory Muscle Endurance Following Successful Weaning From Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation Angela T Chang

103 Use of inspiratory muscle strength training to facilitate ventilator weaning: a series of 10 consecutive patients. Martin AD

104 Respiratory dysfunction in ventilated patients: can inspiratory muscle training help? Bissett B

105 An examination of factors related to aspiration and silent aspiration in older adults requiring long-term care in rural Japan. Sakai K

106 姿勢と歩行を関連づける評価 原田和宏

107 下肢の複合性局所疼痛症候群とADL 伊藤義広

108 中大脳動脈領域脳梗塞患者における梗塞域の拡がりと下肢運動機能・歩行能力の関係 津島佑規

109  European Society for Swallowing Disorders - European Union Geriatric Medicine Society white paper: oropharyngeal dysphagia as a geriatric syndrome. Baijens LW

110 Dysphagia in the elderly: management and nutritional considerations. Sura L

111 内上方に広がる被殻出血と理学療法 森下一幸

112  随意運動伝導路の機能解剖(4) 中野隆

113 膝関節疾患における基礎と考え方 赤羽良和

114 Effects of postural change on aspiration in head and neck surgical patients. Logemann JA

115 股関節の病態運動学と理学療法Ⅰ 永井聡

116 変形性股関節症 加藤浩

117 脳卒中患者のバランス障害と理学療法 澤田明彦

118 被殻出血にみられる病態 山本幸太

119 Efficacy and safety of very early mobilisation within 24 h of stroke onset (AVERT): a randomised controlled trial Bernhardt J

120 An in vivo study of the primary and coupled rotations
of the thoracic spine Willems

121 骨盤帯の機能解剖学的理解 瓜谷大輔

122 骨盤帯を中心とした運動連鎖の理解 石井慎一郎

123 骨盤帯に関わる筋の作用の捉え方と運動療法のあり方 浅井友詞

124 骨盤帯との関係で生じる腰部疾患の機能解剖学的病態把握と理学療法 隈元康夫

125 脳卒中片麻痺患者の立ち上がり動作時のボディメカニクスと理学療法 諸橋 勇

126 骨盤帯との関係で生じる股関節疾患の機能解剖学的病態把握と理学療法 加藤 浩

127 尿失禁の機能解剖学的理解と症状改善の取り組み 石井美和子

128 Biomechanics of the thorax – research evidence and clinical expertise Diane Gail Lee

129 Effects of Pelvic Skeletal Asymmetry on Trunk Movement Einas Al-Eisa

130 脳卒中片麻痺患者の歩行動作時のボディメカニクスと理学療法 国分貴徳

131 Internal rotation deficits affect scapular positioning in baseball players. Thomas SJ

132 Three-Dimensional Scapular Kinematics in Patients with Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty during Arm Motion. Lee KW

133 Aspiration and swallowing in Parkinson disease and rehabilitation with EMST: a randomized trial. Troche MS

134 脳卒中片麻痺患者のベッド上移動動作時のボディメカニクスと理学療法 大久保智明

135 Exercise dose and mobility outcome in a comprehensive stroke unit: description and prediction from a prospective cohort study. Scrivener K

136 The foot core system: a new paradigm for understanding intrinsic foot muscle function. McKeon PO

137 脳卒中片麻痺患者の体幹・下肢機能障害と機能予後 佐藤房郎

138 知っておくべき腰臀部痛の病態 林典雄

139 脳卒中片麻痺患者の体幹・下肢機能への理学療法アプローチの最近の動向 諸星 勇

140 Observation of Amounts of Movement Practice Provided During Stroke Rehabilitation Catherine E.

141 骨・関節の画像診断(下肢編) 吉田和則

142 人工股関節全置換術後の漸減的な補高挿入は自覚的脚長差の軽減に有用か? 被検者間マルチベースラインデザインを使用した検討 川端悠士

143 高齢者の胸郭の機能障害と理学療法 田中 創

144 Respiratory muscle training increases respiratory muscle strength and reduces respiratory complications after stroke: a systematic review Keˆnia KP Menezes

145 慢性腰痛者に対する体幹深層筋に注目した運動療法の効果-腹筋群の筋厚と非対称性の変化- 太田恵

146 Experimental muscle pain changes feedforward postural responses of the trunk muscles P.W.Hodges

147 Effects of Respiratory Muscle Training on Respiratory Function, Respiratory Muscle Strength, and Exercise Tolerance in Patients Poststroke: A Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis. Gomes-Neto M

148 脳卒中片麻痺の体幹機能の理学療法評価の考え方と評価指標 潮見泰蔵

149 脳卒中患者の下肢機能の理学療法評価の考え方と評価指標 古田幸一

150 脳卒中片麻痺患者に対する下肢装具の最近の動向 春名弘一

151 肩腱板損傷の診断と整形外科的治療 当真 孝

152 Effects of Pelvic Asymmetry and Low Back Pain on Trunk Kinematics During Sitting:A Comparison With Standing Einas Al-Eisa

153 Total hip arthroplasty leg length inequality impairs functional outcomes and patient satisfaction. Röder C

154 Associations of Walking Speed, Grip Strength, and Standing Balance With Total and Cause-Specific Mortality in a General Population of Japanese Elders. Nofuji Y

155 Prevention of shoulder injuries in overhead athletes:a science-based approach Cools AM

156 Rehabilitation of scapular dyskinesis: from the office worker to the elite overhead athlete. Cools AM

157 Muscular strength after total hip arthroplasty. A prospective comparison of 3 surgical approaches. Winther SB

158 Performance-based versus self-reported outcomes using the HOOS following total hip arthroplasty. Michael R. Dayton

159 Target range of motion for rehabilitation after total knee arthroplasty. Mutsuzaki H

160 A long term clinical outcome of the Medial Pivot Knee Arthroplasty System. Macheras GA

161 Linear and curvilinear relationship between knee range of motion and physical functioning in people with knee osteoarthritis: a cross-sectional study. Hoogeboom TJ

162 移動動作の解釈, 嘉戸直樹

163 体幹と肩の運動解釈, 三浦雄一郎

164 肩腱板損傷のアスレティックリハビリテーション 野呂吉則

165 肩腱板損傷の機能解剖学的理解と超音波画像による病態の把握 福吉正樹

166 肩腱板損傷の発生メカニズム 澤野靖之

167 肩腱板損傷の保存療法例および観血療法例の理学療法 峰貴文

168 脳卒中片麻痺患者の起き上がり動作時のボディメカニクスと理学療法

169 Predicting functional performance and range of motion outcomes after total knee arthroplasty. Bade MJ

170 Measuring functional improvement after total knee arthroplasty requires both performance-based and patient-report assessments: a longitudinal analysis of outcomes. Mizner RL

171 Short Term Recovery of Function following Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Randomised Study of the Medial Parapatellar and Midvastus Approaches Nutton RW

172 Guidelines for the early restoration of active knee flexion after total knee arthroplasty: implications for rehabilitation and early intervention. Ebert JR

173 Thoracic position effect on shoulder range of motion, strength, and three-dimensional scapular kinematics. Kebaetse M

174 Effect of shoulder tightness on glenohumeral translation, scapular kinematics, and scapulohumeral rhythm in subjects with stiff shoulders. Lin JJ

175 被殻出血における内科的治療VS外科的治療 回復期機能予後からみた被殻出血314例の急性期治療方針の検討 酒向 正春

176 脳血管障害の治療と予後に関する多施設共同研究(第2報) 視床出血 後藤文男

177 高校野球選手における小胸筋に対するストレッチ方法の違いが小胸筋長および肩甲骨位置に与える影響 樋口 隆志

178 人工股関節置換術後患者の術後早期における靴下着脱方法と股関節屈曲可動域の関連性 南角 学

179 患者立脚肩関節評価法Shoulder36を用いた鏡視下腱板修復術後評価の検討 大西和友

180 Effects of mechanical insufflation-exsufflation in preventing respiratory failure after extubation a randomized controlled trial. Gonçalves MR

181 Noninvasive ventilation for avoidance of reintubation in patients with various cough strength. Duan J

182 Semiquantitative cough strength score for predicting reintubation after planned extubation. Duan J

183 Cortical reorganization induced by body weight-supported treadmill training in patients with hemiparesis of different stroke durations. Yang YR

184 骨粗鬆症を原因とした脊椎圧迫骨折の病態生理と保存療法 著者赤羽根良和、編集株式会社gene

185  Assessment and evaluation of predisposing factors to anterior cruciate ligament injury. Bonci CM

186  Diagnostic accuracy of quantitative neuromuscular ultrasound for the diagnosis of intensive care unit-acquired weakness: a cross-sectional observational study. Witteveen E

187 Association between measures of patella height, morphologic features of the trochlea, and patellofemoral joint alignement: the MOST study. Stefanik JJ

188 Does This Woman Have Osteoporosis? Amanda D. Green

189 Measurement of motor recovery after stroke. Outcome assessment and sample size requirements. Duncan PW

190 A randomized controlled trial on the immediate and long-term effects of arm slings on shoulder subluxation in stroke patients. van Bladel A

191 Comparative effectiveness of the GivMohr sling in subjects with flaccid upper limbs on subluxation through radiologic analysis. Dieruf K

192 Changes in gait patterns and muscle activity following total hip arthroplasty: a six-month follow-up. Horstmann T

193 The importance of tracheostomy progression in the intensive care unit. Morris LL

194 Comparison of outpatient and home-based exercise training programmes for COPD: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Wuytack F

195 Adaptations in limb muscle function following pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with COPD - a review. Nyberg A

196 Isometric muscle activation of the serratus anterior and trapezius muscles varies by arm position: a pilot study with healthy volunteers with implications for rehabilitation. Miyasaka J

197 Effect of Scapular Stabilization Exercise during Standing on Upper Limb Function and Gait Ability of Stroke Patients JO Kim

198 Intrinsic Foot Muscle Activation During Specific Exercises: A T2 Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. Gooding TM

199 Association Between Decline in Slow Vital Capacity and Respiratory Insufficiency, Use of Assisted Ventilation, Tracheostomy, or Death in Patients With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Andrews JA

200 Correlation of knee and hindfoot deformities in advanced knee OA: compensatory hindfoot alignment and where it occurs. Norton AA

201 Secondary gait changes in patients with medial compartment knee osteoarthritis: increased load at the ankle, knee, and hip during walking. Mündermann A

202 The effect of an arm sling used for shoulder support on gait efficiency in hemiplegic patients with stroke using walking aids. Jeong YG

203 Blood urea nitrogen/creatinine ratio identifies a high-risk but potentially reversible form of renal dysfunction in patients with decompensated heart failure. Brisco MA

204 Acute skeletal muscle wasting in critical illness. Puthucheary ZA

205. Effects of physiatrist and registered therapist operating acute rehabilitation (PROr) in patients with stroke. Kinoshita T

206. Hindfoot alignment at one year after total knee arthroplasty. Takenaka T

207.  A new radiographic view of the hindfoot. Ikoma K.